Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The latest numbers from the NWMLS are showing signs the market is turning. Check out my latest blog at http://ping.fm/ndKbY

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Numbers are Showing Good News for the Market

The Northwest Multiple Listing Service released their latest numbers and it looks like great news for the area. The reported pending sales for April was up 11.4% compared to 12 months ago and rose 21.3% over March. Brokers reported 5,372 pending sales for King, Snohomish, Pierce and Kitsap Counties which is the first time the number cracked the 5,000 level since August of 2007.

So, what do the numbers mean? Basically it looks like the inventory is shrinking ... good news ... and Buyers are finally getting off the fence because of the $8,000 First Time Buyer incentive from the Government, extremely low interest rates and bottom line prices on homes. So, if you are a Buyer waiting for the "bottom" ... the time is now to dive into the pool before the water in the pool gets shallower.

And, do you qualify for the first time Home Buyer Credit? IF you have not owned a primary residence or purchased a primary residence within the last 3 years and IF your net adjusted income is $75,000 or less ($150,000 for a couple), you may be eligible. Check with your Lenders now and it's always a good idea to check with your tax expert, too.

Average prices for a single family residence in King County is now $417,500 and in Snohomish County at $316,271 according to the NWMLS. And, the FHA insured loan limits are now at $719,000 so there's plenty of inventory for a 3.5% down payment through an FHA loan. The Feds may be taking a look at this number shortly, so get your oar in the water now.

As always, if you need a referral to a good Lender or want more information, please give us a call.