Thursday, August 20, 2009

THE SHORT SALE SAGA(S) … it’s a whole new world out there!

I’ve been handling short sales for years in this business, but never have they been more prevalent than in this market. Every listing I have now is currently scheduled for a short sale; and, with all my years in the business, I’m learning something new every day.

One short sale required a book of paperwork, both from the Seller and from me, was delivered to the Lender a couple months ago and requires “60 days for review”; and you can bet they’re not going to make a decision until the 60th day … one day away from the auction, I might add. So, Buyer is in limbo until a decision is made.

Another short sale required a purchase and sale agreement, an authorization letter and a HUD 1 Statement. That’s it! They ordered an interior Broker’s Price Opinion the next day and we received approval within 5 days! And, they’ve even offered to RAISE the commission and PAY the Seller $2,500.00 if we can meet a closing deadline. Needless to say, both agents and Seller are very cooperative to get this one done.

Third property listed just the other day and authorization letter sent off to two Lenders the next day. Two days later, received a phone call from first Lender representative wanting to “chat” with me about how it’s going and to “keep active in the process”. (NOTE: Most lenders don’t want to talk to you until you have a valid purchase and sale agreement.) This Lender even suggested a $5,000 price drop and “has worked with second Lender frequently and will work out the arrangements with second when offer received”. (NOTE: Usually it’s the agents working their little hearts out to get first and second Lender to cooperate.)

Long story short … everything in the Mortgage Market is in flux. Some have realized they are going to take a hit and just want to make it less painful. Others seem to want to drag out the misery as long as possible. As an agent working short sales … flexibility is the key.