Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Loan Modifications ... Your Bank May Come to You

It appears some banks may start becoming more human and humane. In an effort to stem the tide of vacant homes and struggling homeowners, a few of the banks are stepping forward to try to pre-empt the mortgage meltdown. We are seeing Asset Management Companies (companies hired by banks to manage their "at risk" mortgages and homes) hire Real Estate Agents to try to get in touch with their Borrowers. There's a whole new side of the Real Estate Business out there where agents are actually trying to assist people to stay in their homes.

Orders are sent out from these Asset Management Companies to real estate agents to get in touch with the Borrowers who have missed payments or are at risk of losing their homes. Agents are being a friendly face from the banks to give advice to Homeowners on what their options are and to deliver Loan Modification Applications, pick up and return the paperwork to the banks, or counsel and educate Homeowners on Modifications, Short Sales, Deed in Lieus and Foreclosures.

So, the next time you see a Real Estate Agent at your door, they may not be there to try to get you to list your property so they can make a sale and commission. They may be sent by your bank to help you stay in your home. Please welcome them in see if we can't work together to fix this current real estate market one house at a time.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Whew! 1st Time Home Buyer Credit Extended

It was almost like standing in line for the restroom at the packed stadium ... standing on one foot and then the other just praying that the line moves quickly ... so that our Buyers can close those short sales in time to get their $8,000 first time Buyer Credit. With banks and lenders moving glacially slow to approve short sales, and banks demanding more and more information and requirements from Buyers, it was looking very "iffy" for the deadline. However, on Friday the 6th, all that was averted when President Obama signed the bill extending the tax credits to contracts signed by April 30, 2010, and closing by June 30th. Thank you! Thank you!

Also included in the bill was a broadening of the requirements. Now the income limits have been increased to $125,000 per year for individuals and $225,000 for couples. It has still remained at a 10% of the purchase price, however, so it's only an $8,000 tax credit for anyone purchasing a home at a price of $80,000 or more. Some of the mobile homes in parks will only get a 10% credit, depending on their purchase price. The credit, however, also extends to Buyers who purchase an RV as their living quarters ... at 10% of the purchase price.

Additionally, written into the bill is now a $6,500 tax credit for Buyers who've owned their current home at least five of the last eight years. So, we can now include move-up or down-sizing Buyers, too. Now is a great time to buy a house, and with the government allowing us more time to get the transactions closed, it takes the pressure cooker lid off the process. Call anytime for further details.