Wednesday, January 13, 2010


And, as in most things and as I tell my children ... it Depends! What is your ultimate goal?

IF you are finding yourself in financial straits and feel the need to tighten your expenditures, these are something to consider. It is now no longer necessary for you to be behind in your mortgage payments to get some assistance, but it does depend on your long term goals. The fact of the matter is, if you purchased a home within the last 8-10 years with a minimum down loan, you are probably upside down in equity position. (Anyone who purchased a new car knows that feeling.) The good news is ... you're not alone. A huge segment of the population in general are in the same boat (or house as the case may be). So what to do?

Loan Modification IF you plan to remain in your house for the next 8-10 years or more, have no desire to move up or out and just wish to keep a roof over your head, this may be for you. And, you don't need professional assistance to get it done. Just make the phone call and the packet of information will arrive on your doorstep. But, warning, depending on your Loan Servicer, it takes patience. It may happen quickly or take months, but it does involve lots of paperwork and proving that you need help. And the end result may not be to your satisfaction either. Be aware that Lenders are not reducing the amount of the debt you owe; so, when you're finished with the process, you still owe as much on the house as your did originally and you're still upside down when it comes to equity position. What Lenders are doing is reducing the interest rate on your loan to lower your payments or extending your loan over a greater length of time. So, when it comes time to finally sell that house, you may still be in a short sale situation and/or have to come to the closing table with money to make it work.

Short Sale IF you have the need, desire or situation that requires that you sell the property, then the short sale is your answer. With this you'll need professional assistance from a knowledgeable Real Estate Agent, Lawyer and/or accountant to help you. Here you'll need to list your home for the current market value, find a patient qualified Buyer and trust your professional to assist you through the maize of paperwork required to complete the transaction. Again, this may surprise us all and only take a month to get approval, but experience has shown us it will probably take up to 6 months and often more. And, there's never any guarantee that your Lender will approve the short sale. One more caution, a short sale WILL effect your credit score negatively, so keep that in mind when making your decision.

As in all things relating to contracts, seek professional assistance to protect your rights. Please don't hesitate to call us if we can ever be of assistance.