Thursday, February 4, 2010

Short Sales ... the good, the bad and the ugly

Face it folks ... we're in the short sale market and there's little we can do about it except live with it. So, here's a short sale primer for Buyers and Sellers.

THE GOOD: For Sellers it's a chance to get out from under crushing payments on a house that is worth less than you owe on it and to move on with your lives. For Buyers it's a chance to make a good deal on a house and quit paying rent. Also, you may get $8,000 or $6,500 credit on your taxes provided you can close on this house before June 30, 2010.

THE BAD: For Sellers, you are going to be out of a house and out of the house purchasing market for a while because your credit is going to take a hit. For Buyers, it takes patience ... lots of patience. There may be several offers on this house and Banks reserve the right to look at all offers (in most instances) and yours may not be the offer accepted. This you may not find out until months down the road, precious time that is wasted on waiting for a bank to make up its collective mind.

THE UGLY: For Sellers it's all the time wasted trying to work with a bank to get this accomplished, and then they make unrealistic requirements on closing the deal. And, you may end up having to sign a note to the bank for unpaid debt or the bank may decide to go after you in court for the deficiency amount. For Buyers it's the not knowing IF and WHEN you may get this house, whether or not your Lender's appraisal agrees with the underlying lender's appraisal (which throws you back into negotiations) and the fear of not closing in time to get your tax credit.

Just a few of the ramifications I've run into recently. As always, get a professional's advice before proceeding with any type of sale on your property and I can't stress enough that, should you decide to short sale your property or buy a short sale property, get an Agent who is knowledgeable and experienced with them. Then, let the games begin.

As always, please call us if we can ever help with your real estate needs.