Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Buyers ... the time is NOW

We need to move some inventory! Out of an "average" search of homes for sale in Snohomish County, 80% or more of listed homes are either bank owned or short sales. Only 20% and less are "normal" homes for sale. It puts "Normal" Sellers in an awkward situation of having to price their homes in competition with houses listed at "sale" prices. You'll not find this "perfect storm" situation again for years ... and maybe never in my lifetime.

Yes, real estate is cyclical, but this is a really strange cycle. You have houses at unbelievably low prices PLUS interest rates for loans at an all time low. Yes, you have to have some money to put some "skin in the game". But you can still ask Sellers (banks and short sales included) for at least the closing costs in your offer. And, FHA and VA Financing (minimum down loans) are welcome ... especially on homes that have been on the market for a long time. There are even "0" down loans out there from various government entities when you buy in geographical areas and meet their qualification requirements.

We had some agents attend the auction at the Snohomish County Courthouse last Friday and they reported back that there were lots of people there and bidding was very active. A few years ago, I attended one just to check things out and there was hardly anyone there bidding on anything. So, yes, investors are in the game and are figuring out that NOW is the time to buy. You'll be noticing lots of houses that have been vacant or neglected for a long time now being remodeled and going back on the market. I've been out showing and we've seen some really cute homes that have been updated and remodeled, and their prices are still in the reasonable price range.

So the message to Buyers is Now is the Time to Buy. Dust off that 401k and take a little money out, see if Mom and Dad can't help with some gift funds, find a way to get your own piece of the real estate pie. Prices will go up, depend on it! It may take a little while, but you can bank on it. Call your Real Estate Agent today ... or give us a call and we'd love to help.