Thursday, April 30, 2009


This real estate market reminds me of those road trips we took as a family when the children were young ... always impatient and asking, "Are we there yet?" That's the question on all agents' and clients' minds ... have we hit the bottom of the market and when do we start up again?

And the best answer is ... maybe. After every downturn there is an upturn and we're more than ready for that. According to the most recent numbers, the median sales price increased nationwide in March for the second month in a row, the biggest monthly jump since June 2005. The months' supply edged up to 9.8 from 9.7 but the raw inventory actually declined for all types of homes. The Federal Housing Finance Agency also reported that home prices rose 0.7% in February, the second month in a row that prices rose putting them up 1.7% for the last two months. Again, the biggest gain since 2005. And, March New Home Sales came in at 356,000 annual rate, a small decline from February but better than expected. And, according to the same source, inventory levels continue falling, down to 46.0% from their mid-2006 peak and at the lowest level since 2002.

So, what do the numbers mean? It shows, in my opinion, that we're "bouncing along the bottom" of this housing market and I believe we're looking toward a slow recovery starting this summer. Short Sales and REO sales are now dominating the market but there are still real "Sellers" out there that need to move and have some equity positions so they can sell without having to negotiate with the bank.

As for Buyers who've been waiting for the best deals ... they are out there NOW. My serious suggestion is to get off the fence and get in the game. Interest rates may never be lower and housing prices are unbelievable. Gentlemen and Ladies ... start your engines!

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