Thursday, April 9, 2009

Beware of Foreclosure Scams

As if we didn't have enough to worry about ... there are now some marginal companies out there who are choosing to prey on the hapless homeowner who is facing foreclosure and wants to try to modify their mortgages. If you want to try to reduce your mortgage payment or work out some solutions with your mortgage company, help is free! There is never a fee to get assistance or information about the Federal Plans to help. You can go to to obtain a HUD-approved housing counselor to help you navigate the bureaucratic waters.

BEWARE OF ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION that asks you to pay a fee in exchange for housing counseling services. Do not pay, walk away!

BEWARE OF ANYONE who says they can "save" your home if you sign or transfer over the deed to your house. Do not sign, walk away. The only one who can help you "save" your home is your mortgage company.

NEVER SUBMIT YOUR MORTGAGE PAYMENTS to anyone other than your mortgage company without their approval.

If you have any questions or concerns about how to proceed, check the website above or you can always give us a call for our opinion or suggestions. We want everyone to be in a home they can afford and not lose it in foreclosure.

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